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AI voice cloning: How programs are learning to pick up on pitch and toneNovember 27, 2024 This article has been reviewed according to Science X's editorial process and policies . Editors have highlightedthe following attributes while ensuring the content's credibility: fact-checked trusted source proofread by Lancaster University More than 10% of Chinese citizens who took part in a survey say they are willing to boycott Russian goods and most likely disapprove of Russia's actions in Ukraine, says new research led by Lancaster University. This important finding, say the researchers, indicates that a substantial minority of the Chinese population might not share the official position of the Chinese Communist Party despite widespread propaganda and censorship. Published this week in the Journal of Contemporary China , the research , titled "Willingness to Boycott Russian Goods in China: How Political Ideology Shapes Consumer Preferences in an Authoritarian Context," is authored by Dr. Barbara Yoxon and Xue Bai of Lancaster University, and Richard Turcsanyi, of Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, says the article, the government of the People's Republic of China has refused to condemn the violence and developed stronger economic and diplomatic ties with its authoritarian neighbor. Recent surveys show that most Chinese people hold a positive view of Russia, despite its war with Ukraine. Unlike previous research, the article investigates the motives of those Chinese citizens who are likely to oppose Russia's invasion of Ukraine. It uses original survey data from 3,029 respondents in China collected as part of the "Sinophone Borderlands—Interaction at the Edges" project to better understand the patterns of political engagement in an authoritarian regime. The paper suggests there is potential for anti-Russian political action in China and suggests that more organized anti-Russian and pro-Ukrainian campaigns are possible in the future. That action, says the paper, would have the scope to disrupt the profit margins of Russian companies hoping to escape Western sanctions. In 2023, Russian consumer goods made up 5.1% of China's 2023 imports and are likely to become even more common in China as Russia becomes more isolated from the Western world. "While this share of the Chinese market might seem like a low figure, it is important to note that China is home to more than 1.5 billion consumers and even small decreases in the Sino-Russian trade volume would be a significant loss to Russian companies as the war with Ukraine continues," says the article. By focusing on the interaction between political ideology and political consumerism, the article has identified a group of individuals who are most likely to participate in activities that go against the ideological status quo in China. This is a new avenue of research which goes beyond previous studies that focus on ethnocentric and nationalist causes of Chinese "boycott and buycott" practices. To help determine who is willing to boycott Russian goods, the article delineated three broad political leanings in China: liberals, neo-authoritarians, and the New Left. The results indicated that liberals, who show higher support for free market policies and lower support for social authoritarianism, are more likely than others to express willingness to boycott Russian goods. The paper argues that liberal individuals are more supportive of the liberal international order and believe that Russia and China should work with, rather than against, multilateral institutions. This means liberals are more likely to interpret NATO's actions in Eastern Europe as defensive and see Russian actions against Ukraine as unprovoked, aggressive and disproportional. Discover the latest in science, tech, and space with over 100,000 subscribers who rely on for daily insights. Sign up for our free newsletter and get updates on breakthroughs, innovations, and research that matter— daily or weekly . The article found that individuals with neo-authoritarian and New Left leanings are less likely to support the boycott of Russian goods. Neo-authoritarians, who desire free market reform but support the existing sociopolitical structures, were against boycotting Russian goods. They believe that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict is an extension of the rivalry between authoritarian China and the liberal United States. They believe that supporting Russia, an allied autocracy, is in China's national interest. For the New Left, the belief that NATO and the liberal international order is a form of neocolonial domination by the United States has also led to greater levels of support for Russian goods. While it is not surprising that individuals with more liberal leanings are likely to oppose Russian actions, adds the paper, this is the first study to date to clearly demonstrate such a link. Commenting on the paper, Dr. Yoxon says, "The surprising level of anti-Russian attitudes in China suggests that an organized campaign to boycott Russian products might already be underway in China. "Our findings are important because they show that alternative forms of political participation can be a safe and convenient way for citizens of authoritarian regimes to express their political preferences." More information: Barbara Yoxon et al, Willingness to Boycott Russian Goods in China: How Political Ideology Shapes Consumer Preferences in an Authoritarian Context, Journal of Contemporary China (2024). DOI: 10.1080/10670564.2024.2427941 Provided by Lancaster University

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NonePresident Joe Biden still believes that President-elect Donald Trump is an existential threat, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed to reporters on Thursday. “It’s been two, you know, more than two weeks since the election. This was an election that elected a man that President Biden has repeatedly referred to as an existential threat. So why is it that the American people have not heard President Biden talk about this threat since the election?” a reporter asked Jean-Pierre, who said the will of the American people has been very clear. “And so the president is now in a situation where we have to deal with a peaceful transfer of power. We have to respect the will of the American people, and that’s what you have been seeing from this president, trying to lead by example, to make sure that that happens,” she said, failing to explain how, exactly, Biden is able to do that if he truly believes Trump is an existential threat. “You know, I’ve been asked about existential threat. I’ve been asked about threat to our democracy. The President is always going to be honest with the American people. He feels like he is obligated. What he said still stands, but we are now in a different place. ... The American people spoke. They deserve a peaceful transfer of power. That’s what this President wants to have,” she continued. When asked if Biden has a message for people who believe that Trump is an existential threat “assuming that he still believes Donald Trump is an existential threat,” Jean-Pierre assured that Biden’s opinion on that has not changed. “His thoughts, what he said, his thinking on that has not changed. It has not,” she said. “And I think he was very clear about what he believes should have been done or how we should move forward.” “He was very clear during those moments he spoke about it. Right now, right now, he wants to lead by example and talk — show the American people what it looks like to have an efficient, effective transfer power, and he believes that is what the American people deserve,” she added. Biden’s aides have reportedly referred to Trump as “Hitler Pig,” and Vice President Kamala Harris referred to Trump as a fascist threat to democracy, also incorporating “dictator” messaging. It remains unclear how they can actually believe that and willfully transfer power to someone they believe is actually Hitler-esque.Are you tracking your health with a device? Here’s what could happen with the data

Discover the soul lessons of each Pluto generation. Explore core wounds, healing paths, and evolutionary astrology insights. In evolutionary astrology, Pluto represents an evolutionary process that occurs on both a collective and individual level. Each generation contains certain gifts and core wounds to work on, along with an intended direction for them to grow towards. Since we are all unique beings, there are many manifestations of how our soul lessons can play out. Here I discuss the most common wounds and paths to healing. However, since this is general, please keep in mind that some of it may resonate with you and some of it may not. Feel free to take what is useful and leave behind the rest. As Pluto spends between 14-30 years in a sign, there are retrograde periods of about a year or so where Pluto will move back and forth between two signs. If you are born in the year that Pluto first enters or leaves a sign, please check your natal chart to see which Pluto generation you were born in. You may also find value in reading for the previous sign since being born close to the cusp of a sign will often hold both themes. Pluto in Cancer (1912-1939) Core wound This generation comes in with wounds around family. Sometimes it was because they didn’t get their needs met as a child, either from difficult hardships or by having emotionally unavailable parents. Others experienced childhood abuse, while still others felt limitations around their family conditioning, meaning they had certain expectations placed on them by their family that did not represent their desires. Regardless of how the family wound happened, it can cause them to shut down their feelings or, on the opposite end of the spectrum, they can be overwhelmed by their emotions. This could then manifest as extreme neediness, like a child needing its mother. Certain people in this generation have profound empathy and compassion because these experiences have made them wiser, but it is rare. Regardless of the level of emotional maturity, there is often a wound around the family, which is also why family presents a significant source of healing for them. Path to healing The path to healing for Pluto in Cancer is found in learning how to reparent themselves by taking responsibility for their own family karma, their emotional healing, and also developing emotional maturity. If you are born during this generation, you must acknowledge your emotional needs and become accountable for them. Your soul is sensitive and empathic at its core, so you must learn how to soften into that part of you while also becoming a self-responsible adult with those feelings. Being productive and finding a role in the world that suits your inner-self will also give your life meaning and purpose and help you to heal some of the wounds of feeling limited by your family’s expectations. Pluto in Leo (1937-1958) Core wound Since many Pluto in Leo were born into large families with many siblings, or were born during war times, the core wound that is most common with this generation is unhealthy narcissism. Sometimes, there wasn’t enough individual attention and love to go around. This can create an adult dependent on external validation, as they try to gain from others what they didn’t get as a child. This can create either a fragile and deflated ego (poor me, chronic victim types) or an overly inflated ego and sense of self, where they need to be the centre of attention at all times. These people are here to be creative leaders in some way. They do best when they learn how not to identify with their creative gifts and constantly be dependent on accolades from others for their sense of self. Path to healing Since Pluto in Leo can be so dependent on external validation, they need to learn how to “fill their cup” and validate themselves, then shine that internally generated light on others by appreciating them as well. They must learn to link their creative energy with something helpful to humanity, rather than just making it all about them. Instead of putting on a false mask to gain validation, it is also essential they learn how to act from their true self and use their unique self as a gift to offer humanity. This can also help them to learn how to shine their light on others. Recognising the specialness in others, rather than needing to be seen as unique by others, is a huge step forward in their evolution. Pluto in Virgo (1956-1972) Core wound This generation desires to improve themselves and be helpful to others, yet their core wound occurs when they suffer from issues and feel they fall short of doing this. Some of the ways this can show up is an “I’m not good enough” wound, when no matter what they do, there is always something more they feel they could have done. This can create intense anxiety within them as they become hyper-focused on their imperfections, manifesting as a powerful inner or outer critic, where they constantly focus on what is wrong within themselves. It if gets projected onto the outer world, they will focus on what’s wrong with others. This anxious energy can leave them in a state of analysis paralysis, where they can’t decide on a course of action due to overthinking. It can also manifest as always being stuck in preparation mode, where they constantly feel like they need to do more — improve more, learn more, gain more training — before they feel ready to emerge into the world. Path to healing Since this archetype can be hyper-focused on perfection, they have a lot to heal as they learn about having compassion for imperfections in themselves and others. Pluto’s most significant lesson in Virgo is encompassed in a quote by spiritual teacher Adyashanti that states; “A great poem from the Zen tradition ends with this description of the awakened state: ‘To be without anxiety about imperfection.’” Pluto in Virgo soar in their evolution when they stop sweating the small stuff and instead let go and develop more faith and trust in life, trusting it will all work out as it should by trusting in a higher power. This faith and confidence will help them to be of service in a genuine way that is right for them. Pluto in Virgos have a lot of valuable skills and healing to offer the world, if they only learn to stop being so hard on themselves and develop a more forgiving attitude towards themselves and others. Pluto in Libra (1971-1984) Core Wound Since Pluto in Libra are here to learn through relationships, the core wound can manifest in several different ways. One way is that they may swing to extremes, from being overly involved in relationships to being overly isolated. Their work is to seek a balance between the two. Another thing that can manifest is, by learning about themselves in relationships and comparing themselves to others, they may make comparisons to such an extent that they can get too caught up in what people think of them, losing the connection to who they are. This can often turn to people-pleasing, where they sacrifice their needs and wants to please others. This comparison becomes a problem when they lose the connection to their needs and wants in the process. Romantic projections can also be strong here. They may find themselves in relationships where they cannot see the other person clearly because of an ideal image they have projected onto them. They must learn about the nature of projection, how they may tend to over-romanticise people and situations, and how to look at these situations more realistically. Ultimately, they are here to grow and evolve through relationships. To do that, they must develop a healthy relationship with themselves, which will help them to connect to others in a more balanced way. Path to healing The path to healing for Pluto in Libra is getting to know themselves better, rather than getting caught up in what others think of them. If they tend towards codependent relationships, it is healthy for them to spend time alone. This time alone will help them get in touch with their needs and wants, which will help them make better boundaries in their lives. Learning when to say no will prevent them from giving too much in relationships, at the cost of their own desires, needs and wants. Another big lesson for Pluto in Libra is honest communication. They have a deep desire for harmony that can cause them to avoid conflict or sugar-coat thoughts they express to others about how they feel about things. Learning how to get in touch with their needs helps them learn how to express their feelings more openly. They should remember that a secure relationship involves two individuals who can be connected at times and yet function separately as individuals. This balance between self and other is key for them to have healthier relationships. Pluto in Scorpio (1983-1995) Core wound The core themes of Pluto in Scorpio are loss, betrayal and abandonment. They often come in with an imprint on their soul memory of having been subjected to significant traumas (either in this life or past lives) relating to themes like abuse of power, or being abused, manipulated or abandoned in some significant way. These difficult experiences can create a sense of paranoia within them and distrust in the world because they fear something wrong is going to happen again. Themes of loss often happen early on in childhood. For example, they may experience loss because their parents didn’t meet their needs, which is ex-perienced as a betrayal of love and a type of abandonment to that child. They may often project that source of power outside of them until they learn how to transform the harrowing experiences they’ve gone through into spiritual energy. Pluto in Scorpios may also go through periods where they feel intensely drawn towards things that symbolise power to them, powerful people, powerful teachings, and may be fascinated with occult or hidden knowledge. Pluto in Scorpios can become very powerful souls who can transmute a significant amount of trauma into resilience, but to do that, they need to heal any experiences of trauma, loss, betrayal and distrust that may have manifested within them by learning how to trust themselves. Trusting themselves and their inner guidance will help them to make more discerning decisions in relationships, rather than being drawn to people or situations who are a replay of traumas of the past. Path to healing Healing for Pluto in Scorpios is in resolving the traumas of the past and learning self-value by honouring themselves as worthy individuals. Imagine they experience a lot of betrayal in the past and don’t heal it, this can lead them to betray themselves by being attracted to dangerous people and situations that repeat the difficult experiences of the past. Learning self-value and how to become embodied in a stable sense of self-worth will help them to stop these patterns of self-betrayal. Another critical lesson for this generation to learn is to slow down and simplify their lives. Since Pluto in Scorpio can experience lifetimes of intense situations, learning how to slow down, listen to and connect to their bodies and live a life free of unnecessary drama and chaos can be a healing balm for the soul. Another lesson for Pluto in Scorpios is self-reliance. Often, these people can project their source of meaning entirely into their relationship with another person, creating an extreme power imbalance that can make them feel utterly powerless if the relationship ends or doesn’t work out. By learning to depend on their unique gifts, resources and themselves, they won’t be so dependent on relationships outside of themselves in order to feel a sense of power. This can help them enter into relationships that are more grounded and based on shared values rather than the traumatic bonding they may be used to. Pluto in Sagittarius (1995-2008) Core wound Pluto in Sagittarius can hold a natural wisdom, they also have an innate ability to inspire others. Not surprisingly, this wisdom is connected to their core wound, which can manifest as “know-it-all all” behaviour. They may act or feel like they know more and understand more than others, which can make them become very dogmatic and rigid in their beliefs. Being dogmatic in belief systems goes in the opposite direction that a healthy Jupiter-ruled sign would normally manifest — which wants expansion. When they become dogmatic, it can show up as feeling like they need to convince or convert others to their truth. They can become very attached to their beliefs and become preachy about them, telling others how it is rather than listening to another’s point of view. This can significantly affect their relationships and make people less receptive to listening to them. Even if they have wisdom to share, the message can be hard to hear when they are acting out this wound. Path to healing This generation’s path to healing lies in becoming more curious and open to other people and the way they think, and developing openness to hearing other people’s points of view. This means asking others questions and attempting to understand why they think the way they do. It helps them evolve when they show genuine curiosity for other people’s perspectives rather than trying to convince them to what they believe is the truth. Considerable healing for Pluto in Sagittarius happens when they open themselves to other people’s way of thinking, allowing them to see that their truth is not the only perspective. The more they show genuine interest and openness to other people’s thoughts, the more others will be receptive to hearing the wisdom they inherently hold within themselves. Pluto in Capricorn (2008-2024) Core wound The Pluto in Capricorn generation is beginning to grow into their teenage years right now. It doesn’t surprise me that the Pluto in Capricorn generation came in at such a heavy time in recent history. Since this generation began, there have been many economic crises and a general sense of instability in the institutions we once trusted. Ultimately, this generation’s core wounds have to do with suppressing and repressing their feelings, which results in a feeling of depression. Some of the wounds we may see in this generation as they grow older include feeling an immense sense of responsibility. Many will be destined to take on influential societal roles. Because of this immense weight of responsibility, they can avoid setting goals in life or take on goals that are not their own but a product of what their parents or society expects of them. Ultimately, they must learn to trust their inner authority instead of placing their value on what external authorities, including their parents, tell them they should do. Many people in this generation will become influential leaders if they learn to lead from a place of inner authority, rather than being led by external authorities. Path to healing Since this generation comes in with a deep sense of responsibility, they need to learn to soften by focusing on their emotional life. A fundamental skill for their healing is learning how to recognise their emotions, acknowledge them, validate them, and compassionately nurture them. They must also develop a healthy relationship with their inner compass by listening to their feelings and considering them before they act. Since many Pluto in Capricorns will take on powerful roles in society, they must align with work that reflects what they genuinely care about inside. This is not the lifetime for them to bury their emotions to survive. By sinking into their inner world, they can become the influential, compassionate leaders this world needs them to be. Pluto in Aquarius (2024-2044) Core wound The world that Pluto in Aquarius will be born into is rapidly changing, not only with the widespread use of the internet but also with emerging tech like AI, transhumanism and virtual reality, which will all become commonplace as they grow up. These children may be very different than the generations that came before. This particular Pluto in Aquarius generation may struggle with a wound of not belonging. There will be something fundamentally unique within them, since they came in at such a unique time in human history. Given we live in a tech-heavy culture that emphasises the mental realm, they may sometimes struggle with emotions and lean towards living from a mental space, which can, in its extreme, turn to dissociation. Their biggest lesson will be learning how to lead from the heart not just the head. Path to healing Pluto in Aquarius have an opportunity to truly help humanity by using their technological abilities to assist humankind in some heart-centred way. Their path to healing is in leading from their heart. Healthy self-love is essential for them to develop, along with finding a creative medium that can help them to use the gifts of the technological era to help humanity in some way. AI presents a real danger if it’s used without the heart and the human soul in mind. This generation can be the ones who create heart-centred solutions to this issue. Conclusion Ultimately, one of the biggest lessons around self-healing is taking responsibility for your wounds by becoming aware of your patterns and learning and evolving from them. Remember, your healing has ripple effects. The more of us that heal our wounds and align with our deeper soul’s purpose, the more it changes the collective consciousness of the Earth. Article featured in WellBeing Astrology #21

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Meet the Democrats looking to lead the party forward after brutal 2024 lossesSen. Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) tweets, "Another Christmas where skyrocketing costs are the bitter aftertaste of President Biden's policies that have left American families struggling to make ends meet. President Trump and Republicans will reignite an economy that puts savings back on the table!" Another Christmas where skyrocketing costs are the bitter aftertaste of President Biden’s policies that have left American families struggling to make ends meet. President Trump and Republicans will reignite an economy that puts savings back on the table! Prices are rising too high, too fast. It is an ongoing problem, has been for years now. Consumers are paying too much for goods and services, and the residual effect of that infects the entire economy. High prices persist because of failed economic policies. Let us use the Consumer Price Index as a gauge of prices. It is published monthly by the Bureau of Labor Statistics , and it quantifies annual price increases. An increase of 2.7 percent for all items is the CPI recording in November of 2024 from November of 2023. But that is not when this story begins. The CPI recording in February of 2021, the first full month of President Joe Biden's tenure, from February of 2020 is 1.7 percent. Since that recording, March of 2021 through November of 2024, there is not one annual CPI recording for all items below 2.4 percent. But that still does not tell the full story. For seven months, April of 2022 through September of 2022, the CPI is recorded at upwards of 8 percent, even hitting 9 percent in June of 2022. For 12 months, a calendar year, from December of 2021 through November of 2022, the CPI is recorded at greater than 7 percent. For 17 months, from October of 2021 through February of 2023, the CPI is recorded at more than 6 percent. For 21 months, from June of 2021 through February of 2023, the CPI is recorded at over 5 percent. For 26 months, from April of 2021 through May of 2023, the CPI is recorded at upwards of 4 percent. In seven months of President Biden's time in office are CPI recordings less than 3 percent, and as mentioned, the only recording less than 2 percent is February of 2021. The Federal Reserve has repeatedly stated that its goal for inflation is 2 percent. Prices are rising too high, too fast. Inflation is too high, has been for years now. The high inflation occurring under Biden is horrible, as are its consequences. A slight cost of living increase periodically is an economic norm, but prolonged high inflation is not. High inflation taxes the entire economy, and the overall economic impact of this period of high inflation would be difficult to quantify. Democrats push spending, spending, and more spending. If high inflation is too much money chasing too few goods and services, it stands to reason that spending cuts are a method of inflation reduction. An example of where Democrats are is the counterintuitively entitled "Inflation Reduction Act" . Democrats push tax increases. High taxes affect everyone and everything in an economy. An employee is personally paid less of his earned income due to a higher tax rate, and the employment options are more limited because an increasing amount of corporate revenue is being paid in taxes rather than employee compensation. Higher taxes force those struggling to make ends meet into increasingly basic and survival-based economic decisions. Consumer budgets are tighter due to higher tax rates, so there are less dollars being spent into the economy. As a result of that trickle-down effect of high taxes, there are fewer buying options available to consumers because some entities are taxed out of business and because investors who would otherwise put capital behind innovative, entrepreneurial endeavors and start-ups are paying more of that capital in taxes. High taxes impact the quality of goods produced and services offered because there is less money available in corporate budgets to be spent toward that end. The regulatory environment must be considered as another contributing factor to high inflation. If a business is forced to allocate more of its economic capital, more of its employee manpower and brainpower, more of its time and legal exposure, and more of its overall resources to comply with federal regulations, some of which are highly questionable, that business is left with less employee manpower and brainpower for its own business functions; it is left with less time for its own work; it must find and pay for necessary legal counsel; and it is left with fewer overall resources. The inevitable results are fewer employment opportunities, fewer goods produced and services offered, and fewer spending and investment dollars flowing throughout the economy. A go-to political concept of Democrats is the idea of redistribution. Beyond safety nets for those who need them, Democrats talk about soaking the wealthiest and redistributing the product of that to those who are not considered to be wealthy. It may be easy to conceptualize and psychologically soothing for some to think of government in a command-and-control manner redistributing and spreading around the wealth in a nation, but that is not a serious and long-term solution because it bears no long-term investment quality. A government "stimulus" is little more than a momentary economic sugar pop to the nation. Whereas marketplace earnings are meritoriously acquitted, spending is doled out at the government's pleasure to whom the government pleases to dole it. A nation cannot be economically sustained or economically healed by government spending. Economic recovery and economic prosperity come through markets and private industry. A major problem is that Democrats seem to approach all societal issues through the lens of government. It is conspicuous how few working solutions Democrats attempt to apply to the continuing problem of high inflation. All Americans would have been better served had Democrats used their political capital to cut wasteful federal government spending, to reduce taxes across the board, and to eliminate onerous regulations without seeking increasingly creative ways to further regulate. Commerce in the United States comes down to employees who work sincerely for their employers and the customers they serve, business owners who are careful custodians of the people they employ and those they serve, innovators who use modern technological advancements to meet timeless challenges, entrepreneurs who recognize and fill pockets of demand, inventors who add to possibilities through new products and services, and many more of the same strain of ethic. Regulation is necessary from time to time, but those who keep the U.S. economy going are most free to create and produce when government is least involved in the creation and production.

Boy donating hair to cancer patients, raising money for Kemptville hospitalST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — The St. Petersburg City Council voted Thursday to spend more than $23 million to repair the hurricane-shredded roof of Tropicana Field , with the goal of having the home of the Tampa Bay Rays ready for the 2026 season. The vote followed a decision earlier this week by the Pinellas County Commission to delay until December a vote on revenue bonds needed to finance a new, $1.3 billion Rays ballpark, a project that is in serious jeopardy according to Rays executives.

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Paris, 27 November 2024 Capitalised terms used herein shall have the meaning specified for such terms in the Caisse Française de Financement Local base prospectus to the €75,000,000,000 Euro Medium Term Note Programme dated 8 July 2024 (the “ Base Prospectus ”). Caisse Française de Financement Local has decided to issue on 29 November 2024 – Euro 1,000,000,000 Fixed Rate Obligations Foncières due 29 November 2029. A Stabilisation Manager has been named in the applicable Final Terms. The Base Prospectus dated 8 July 2024 and the supplements to the Base Prospectus dated 13 September 2024 and 30 September 2024 approved by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers are available on the website of the Issuer (, at the registered office of the Issuer: 112-114, avenue Emile Zola, 75015 Paris, France, and at the office of the Paying Agent indicated in the Base Prospectus. The Final Terms relating to the issue will be available on the website of the AMF ( ) and of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (, at the office of the issuer and at the office of the paying agent. Attachment CAFFIL EMTN 2024-8_Communiqué