Fijiana 7s needs shake-up The performance of the Fijiana 7s needs a shake-up. When Saiasi Fuli was in charge, the Fijiana 7s showed some brilliance, but then the girls faltered as the season progressed. I remember vividly the Fijiana 7s beating Australia 14-12 at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in what was the biggest upset of the Games. The Fijiana 7s lost to the Black Ferns 22-17 in extra time and went on to beat Great Britain 21-12 to finish third in the Olympics meet. However, in the last Olympic Games in Paris, the Fijiana 7s lost all their games. They lost 17-14 to Canada, 40-12 to China and 38-7 to the Black Ferns. Brazil added salt to our wounds with a 28-22 win. We finished 12th in Paris after losing 21-15 to South Africa. Fuli stepped down and in came Ratu Timoci Volavola, but the performance has worsened. In Dubai, the Fijiana 7s lost to Ireland 30-12, Australia 42-7 and China 15-14. The side lost again to China 24-7 in the nineth place semi-final and then to Spain 22-5, finishing last in Dubai. In Cape Town, the Fijiana 7s got thrashed by the USA 31-0. In their second pool match, the Fijiana 7s got beaten by Great Britain 22-5. The team managed to win their match against Brazil 22-19 but lost to China again 14-12. I urge FRU to carry out a SWOT analysis on the dismal performance of the Fijiana 7s. We need to get things right! RAJNESH ISHWAR LINGAM, Nadawa, Nasinu. Respect for Fiji The British Lions, Italy, Scotland, Japan and many others have all played international rugby test matches against Fiji in Fiji. And it is heartening to note that Scotland will be playing Fiji in Fiji in July, 2025. However, it is sad and disappointing that two of the world’s rugby superpowers and our closest neighbours in New Zealand and Australia who normally consider ourselves as members of their Pacific family have never considered Fiji as good enough to agree to play test rugby against us in Fiji. This is despite the fact that they have been playing against Fiji for over 100 years and some of these matches played in their own countries. The most recent is the Fiji/New Zealand rugby match played in the US last June supposedly to improve the sport in the biggest economy in the world. What a joke! And Fiji and the interest of Fijians? They obviously were considered even with Fijian Government’s involvement but not considered to be that important to have the test match in Fiji. As always with world rugby involved, we in Fiji are kept in the dark and we should accept whatever they decide supposedly for our interest without any question. Now that we’re in the 21st century, we in Fiji demand that New Zealand and Australia in particular should give Fiji the recognition and respect that it deserves by playing rugby test matches against Fiji in Fiji. The Fiji Government should include this as an agenda item in their next high level dealings with their Governments. Fiji should also as a matter of priority directly approach the South African Government to request rugby test matches between the two countries in their respective countries. I believe Fiji can expect a greater appreciation and respect from them compared to the type of treatment we have been getting from our immediate neighbours. SAVERIO BALEIKANACEA, Delainavesi, Lami Newfound freedom It would appear to me that since the last election when Fijians found their freedoms after 16 long years of “oppression”, personal prejudice and personal opinions by those in power is the basis of all new laws. I believe the elite and those who are in positions of influence have taken this newfound freedom to mean they can make laws based on their personal prejudices and opinions. We are already seeing this not just by what politicians are saying but by village chiefs as well. We are seeing this arrogance almost daily at the highest levels. Isn’t this new found freedom just great? I have always maintained; the people of Fiji are truly blessed. May I add, no one else in the world is as blessed as Fijians. JAN NISSAR, Hiroshima, Japan Nothing has changed! During the FFP’s governing era, most of the current government ministers and senior government officials including some prominent legal eagles, vehemently decried the hosting of conferences, seminars, symposiums, conventions, meetings, etc, at lavish resorts and hotels. However, nothing seems to have changed over the past two years. Recently, the 26th Attorney-General’s Conference was held at the 5-Star Sheraton Fiji Golf & Beach Resort at Denarau. Was it a necessity to have it at such a venue? A school hall somewhere in Suva or Nadi could’ve been pre-arranged/organised as it’s the school holidays or even a tent erected at the Albert Park precinct and pay for your own meals and drinks. Imagine the thousands of dollars that could be saved and better utilised elsewhere. Sa sega tu mada mehn ! We have four-legged banded iguanas living in the forests on some of our maritime islands including the invasive iguana on Taveuni.Subsequently, we do have 2-legged chameleons (a lizard which has the ability to change colours to suit the environment) walking the corridors of power. Shame. ANTHONY SAHAI, Levuka, Ovalau Diabetes issue Diabetes has been the subject of the Government and NGOs’ attention in awareness programs to curb the current trend which has put Fiji as one of the highest recorded populations in the world which suffer from this disease. Other than awareness, one sure way to convince people to change their lifestyle is to compel them to become aware of the level of sugar in their blood and this can only be achieved through regular blood tests with glucometers. If Government assists registered diabetes patients and makes these glucometers and its test strips more affordable then this would be a step in the right direction to compel sufferers to change their lifestyle to avoid the extreme results of amputations and untimely demise. Food for thought for Government. EMOSI BALEI, Suva Stop it! The FICAC Commissioner has stressed that it is illegal for civil servants and government entities to ask for Christmas donations and food. Despite her stern warning, I believe one organisation here in the West has sent out an email to various clients requesting for contributions to fund their Christmas festivities. Did they not get the memo? Or did this organisation in question simply chose to disregard FICAC’s firm directive? I strongly urge FICAC to follow up on this specific instance and possibly take action for their lack of adherence and to ensure compliance with the rule. This shameful practice of begging the public for funding must stop. Go source your own dalo, chicken and vuaka. NISHANT SINGH, Lautoka . Ultimate thievery With an unbelievable quizzical state of theft in the country, one of my mates has shared the ultimate thievery act. Upon returning home from a busy Saturday CBD, one realises that his underwear is gone. Not from the clothes line. The one which he had worn to town. MOHAMMED IMRAZ JANIF, Natabua, Lautoka Mice will play! This week, LTA enforcement officers and police were out around Lautoka City advocating the road safety message with their pens. However, they were not seen around in the evening and late hours of the night. Habitual mindset of illegal drivers, drive around any how. A truck driver double parked on the road to buy booze saying who are you? Meanwhile, a private car loaded seven passengers and made a U-turn before driving off. By the looks of it, when the cat is away, the mice have the field. Thank you LTA and police, don’t give up. Old habits die hard, eh Nishant Singh! NAVNEET RAM (TD), Lautoka Arriving on time Colin Deoki wants the PM to ask his parliamentary colleagues why they arrive late at official speaking engagements (FT 11/12). I can tell him why. It’s a lack of respect for ordinary people and an arrogance of power and an inflated sense of self-importance. I remember the same thing used to happen routinely at Fiji Football organised soccer tournaments. And it was for the same reason. RAJEND NAIDU, Sydney, Australia Rip off! I received an envelope from our friends from abroad with some contents worth $36 together with freight costs. I paid $10.95 to customs and $5.80 to the post office to retrieve the envelope. Being an unemployed senior citizen, the total charge was a rip off in accordance with the envelope. The relevant ministry should seriously consider such costs which vulnerable citizens have to bear. DAVID SUSHIL LAL, Malolo St, Lautoka Multiple coups? Violence against children costs $460m — study (FT 11/12). Is there any study on the cost of the violence and setbacks of our multiple coups? That would make an interesting and illuminating study and warn us not to go down that path ever again if we want our country and its people to progress. RAJEND NAIDU, Sydney, Australia Harmful scenario! I thank Conan Hatch for joining the club, so to speak! And a very special thank you to The Fiji Times for giving his letter the headline — Discipline crisis — for that is exactly what we have on our hands; and it should be on our consciences, too. I received a letter the other day which made the salient point concerning this issue, that today, in the main, the world’s governments mostly comprise younger people — young men and women who have little or no experience — whereas, in days gone by the people we voted into office on our behalf were older: people with experience who had no need to make a mark on society. Today’s authority has been passed to young people who have yet to make their mark and so come up with harebrained schemes without giving thought to the consequences. I recently read Descartes’ Error – Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain, by Antonio R. Damasio: Professor of Psychology, Philosophy and Neurology at the USC — adjunct professor at the Salk Institute — winner of many awards. I confess it is not an easy read, but well worth the effort. He has this to say . . . Early in development, punishment and reward are delivered by parents and other elders and peers, who actually embody the social conventions and ethics of the culture to which (they) belong. In Germany and the Soviet Union during the 1930s and 1940s . . .in Cambodia during the Pol Pot regime . . . a sick culture prevailed upon a presumably normal machinery of reason, with disastrous consequences. Adding that he fears sizeable sectors of society are gradually becoming tragically similar. He states further . . . If the proposed solution to individual and social suffering bypasses the causes of individual and social conflict, it is not likely to work for very long. It may treat a symptom, but it does nothing to the roots of the disease. Damasio stresses: One of the most distinctive human traits is the ability to learn to be guided by future prospects rather than by immediate outcomes, something we begin to acquire in childhood. If we are permitted to acquire it, that is! Most pertinently he claims . . . Lack of reward can constitute punishment and be unpleasant, just as lack of punishment can constitute reward and be quite pleasurable. I have written many times on the loss of a parent’s right to discipline their child and I commend all of those who, few though they may be, have the sense to see the harm we are doing to our children. SUE CAUTY, Pacific Harbour Blood shortage Recently, an elderly relative was admitted to the Acute Surgical Ward at the CWM Hospital in Suva due to a sickness which required her needing a blood transfusion. My concern here is when a patient needs blood, the blood bank will not release blood to the patient until donors are found and donate to the patient due to the existing low levels of blood at the blood bank. To my knowledge, this has been an ongoing problem for many years. A possible solution is if the Army, Navy and Police, etc., were able to donate a pint of blood each. That would lead to a significant boost to the blood bank at the hospitals around the country. Is there sufficient storage space at the major hospitals? In saying that I would like to say a big vinaka vakalevu to the donors who came forward and donated upon our request. Not forgetting the hard-working doctors, nurses and auxiliary staff at the Acute Surgical Ward and the hospital in general. Much respect to you all. Lastly, could the Health Minister please look into this matter which will benefit our people who are in dire need. DEREK FONG TOY, Navua.
(The Center Square) – National Governors Association (NGA) Chair and Colorado Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colorado, joined Governors Joe Lombardo, R-Nev., Spencer Cox, R-Utah, and Mark Gordon, R-Wyo., alongside education experts to support an NGA initiative this week, according to a press release from the organization. The initiative is called Let’s Get Ready: Educating All Americans for Success . It aims to improve public education in the following areas, according to the initiative’s website: early literacy, numeracy, and high-quality curriculum; after-school, summer, and expanded learning; work-based learning and apprenticeships; dual and concurrent enrollment; skills-based learning and non-degree credentials; technology and artificial intelligence in the classroom; educator development and support; and data systems and roles of state agencies. “Launched in July 2024, Let’s Get Ready is a yearlong initiative designed to support the nation’s Governors drive innovative education policies,” the release said. “Let’s Get Ready aims to help Governors form policies that better evaluate outcomes for state investments in education and improve outcomes for learners at all stages of their education journey. The initiative also focuses on the ways states can meet the future needs of the workforce by preparing students for success in and outside of the classroom. Last month, Governor Polis held the first Let’s Get Ready convening in Denver.” On Wednesday, Polis and Lombardo plan to tour Southeast Career Technical Academy where they will “highlight the innovative work the school is leading to empower students with the tools needed to succeed with professional career paths,” the release said. Southeast Career Technical Academy is the first career and technical education high school in Las Vegas. “I started the Let’s Get Ready initiative because I’m committed to advancing the American principle that all students should have access to education that prepares them for success in life,” Polis said in the release. “We know that education is the key to prosperity and success for individuals, our communities, and our economy. That’s why we’re encouraged that Governors from both sides of the aisles are working with our country’s top education experts to find innovative solutions to improve education policies and outcomes. We can ensure all learners have access to quality education by implementing policies that look to the current and future needs of students and our workforce.” Lombardo said the academy meshes well with his educational goals as governor. “Better preparing students for college and career paths is one of my top priorities,” Lombardo said in the release. “Nevada is taking action on a variety of fronts – expanding early childhood education, hiring more teachers, increasing per-pupil funding, supporting innovative charter schools, and increasing accountability to ensure schools deliver results for students. Establishing better education to workforce pathways takes coordination with teachers, students, and business leaders. I appreciate the opportunity to host Governors and education leaders in Nevada to spur a national conversation on education.” The Las Vegas-based event will feature panel discussions with education experts on both sides of the political aisle. Some education experts participating include : David Coleman, CEO of College Board; Dr. Shanika Hope, Education for Social Impact Director at Google; Dr. Sal Khan, founder and CEO of Khan Academy; and Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code, the release said. Additional information about the Let’s Get Ready initiative and upcoming bipartisan events are available on the NGA website .ANDERSON TOWNSHIP, Ohio (AP) — Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow’s home was broken into during Monday Night Football in the latest home invasion of a pro athlete in the U.S., authorities said Tuesday. No one was injured in the break-in, but the home was ransacked, according to a report provided by the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office. Deputies weren’t immediately able to determine what items were stolen. A person who is employed by Burrow arrived at the Anderson Township home Monday night to find a shattered bedroom window and the home in disarray. The person called their mother, and then 911 was contacted, according to the report. Deputies reached out to neighbors in an attempt to piece together surveillance footage. “Our investigators are exploring every avenue,” public information officer Kyla Woods said. The homes of Chiefs stars Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce in October. , Milwaukee Bucks forward Bobby Portis had his home broken into Nov. 2 and Minnesota Timberwolves guard Mike Conley Jr.‘s home was burglarized on Sept. 15 while he was at a Minnesota Vikings game. Portis had offered a $40,000 reward for information. Both the NFL and NBA issued security alerts to players after those break-ins, urging them to take additional precautions to secure their homes. In league memos previously obtained by The Associated Press, the NFL said homes of professional athletes across multiple sports have become “increasingly targeted for burglaries by organized and skilled groups.” And the NBA revealed that the FBI has connected some burglaries to “transnational South American Theft Groups” that are “reportedly well-organized, sophisticated rings that incorporate advanced techniques and technologies, including pre-surveillance, drones, and signal jamming devices.” Some of the burglary groups have conducted extensive surveillance on targets, including attempted home deliveries and posing as grounds maintenance or joggers in the neighborhood, according to officials. ___ AP NFL:
Briarfield beats WCCA for fourth MAIS state title in eight yearsNEW YORK (AP) — U.S. stock indexes got back to climbing on Wednesday after the latest update on inflation appeared to clear the way for more help for the economy from the Federal Reserve . The S&P 500 rose 0.8% to break its first two-day losing streak in nearly a month and finished just short of its all-time high. Big Tech stocks led the way, which drove the Nasdaq composite up 1.8% to top the 20,000 level for the first time. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, meanwhile, lagged the market with a dip of 99 points, or 0.2%. Javascript is required for you to be able to read premium content. Please enable it in your browser settings. Get any of our free email newsletters — news headlines, obituaries, sports, and more.
After Juan Soto's megadeal, could MLB see a $1 billion contract? Probably not soonDonald Trump will ring the New York Stock Exchange bell as he's named Time's Person of the YearMr Biden told African leaders the resource-rich continent of more than 1.4 billion people had been “left behind for much too long”. “But not anymore,” Mr Biden added. “Africa is the future.” Mr Biden used the third and final day of a visit to Angola – his long-awaited, first trip to sub-Saharan Africa as president – to travel to the coastal city of Lobito and tour an Atlantic port terminal that’s part of the Lobito Corridor railway redevelopment. Mr Biden described it as the largest US investment in a train project outside America. The US and allies are investing heavily in the project that will refurbish nearly 1,200 miles of train lines connecting to the mineral-rich areas of Congo and Zambia in central Africa. The corridor, which likely will take years to complete, gives the US better access to cobalt, copper and other critical minerals in Congo and Zambia that are used in batteries for electric vehicles, electronic devices and clean energy technologies that Mr Biden said would power the future. China is dominant in mining in Congo and Zambia. The US investment has strategic implications for US-China economic competition, which went up a notch this week as they traded blows over access to key materials and technologies. The African leaders who met with Mr Biden on Wednesday said the railway corridor offered their countries a much faster route for minerals and goods – and a convenient outlet to Western markets. “This is a project that is full of hope for our countries and our region,” said Congo President Felix Tshisekedi, whose country has more than 70% of the word’s cobalt. “This is not just a logistical project. It is a driving force for economic and social transformation for millions of our people.” The leaders said the corridor should spur private-sector investment and improve a myriad of related areas like roads, communication networks, agriculture and clean energy technologies. For the African countries, it could create a wave of new jobs for a burgeoning young population. Cargo that once took 45 days to get to the US – usually involving trucks via South Africa – would now take around 45 hours, Mr Biden said. He predicted the project could transform the region from a food importer to exporter. It’s “something that if done right will outlast all of us and keep delivering for our people for generations to come,” he said. The announcement of an additional $600 million took the U.S.’s investment in the Lobito Corridor to 4.0 billion dollars (£3.15 billion).
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NEW YORK , Dec. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Report with market evolution powered by AI - The global pilates equipment market size is estimated to grow by USD 146.3 million from 2024 to 2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of about 12% during the forecast period. For comprehensive forecast and historic data on regions,market segments, customer landscape, and companies- Click for the snapshot of this report Report Attribute Details Base Year 2023 Forecast period 2024-2028 Historic Data for 2018 - 2022 Segments Covered Product (Pilates machines, Pilates mats, Pilates rings, Pilates balls, and Others), Distribution Channel (Offline and Online), and Geography (North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East and Africa) Key Companies Covered Balanced Body Inc., BASI Systems Pilates Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Sirketi, Bonpilates SL, CAP Barbell, Etsy Inc., Gratz Industries LLC, Mad Dogg Athletics Inc., Merrithew International Inc., Metalife, PILATES DESIGNS LLC, Pilates Scandinavia, PilatesEquip The Joint Workshop Pty Ltd., Sivan Health and Fitness, Stamina Products Inc., The Mad Group HQ Ltd, Tirado Pilates Apparatus, Trending Fit LLC, VIVA FITNESS, XtendPilates, and Zhejiang Woods Technology Co. Ltd. Regions Covered North America, Europe, APAC, South America, and Middle East and Africa Region Outlook 1. North America - North America is estimated to contribute 37%. To the growth of the global market. The Pilates Equipment Market report forecasts market growth by revenue at global, regional & country levels from 2017 to 2027. The Pilates equipment market in the North American region is expected to grow significantly due to the increasing number of millennials joining fitness and recreational sports centers. This trend is driven by the availability of technologically advanced Pilates equipment designed for end-users. The US, being the largest market for fitness and recreational sports centers globally, contributes significantly to the Pilates equipment market in North America . Canada , the fifth-largest contributor to the global fitness market, is also experiencing growth due to rising health consciousness, government initiatives, and the increasing rate of obesity and related diseases. These factors are encouraging more Canadians to join fitness centers and invest in Pilates equipment for their workouts. For more insights on North America's significant contribution along with the market share of rest of the regions and countries - Download a FREE Sample Segmentation Overview Get a glance at the market contribution of rest of the segments - Download a FREE Sample Report in minutes! 1.1 Fastest growing segment: The Pilates equipment market is experiencing notable growth, particularly in the segment for Pilates machines. Popular machines include cadillacs, reformers, pilates towers, and trapezes, with pilates chairs and other products also available. The increasing use of reformers and cadillacs in medical clinics and health clubs for therapy and injury rehabilitation is a significant market driver. Product innovations and the shift towards eco-friendly manufacturing materials are also contributing factors. For instance, BASI Systems Pilates Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Sirketi's pilates reformer features an enhanced pulley system and expanded gear system for precise control. Traditionally, pilates machines were made from amber and bamboo, but modern equipment is increasingly manufactured using nanomaterials and carbon fiber for lightweight and eco-friendly options. These factors, along with the rising demand for pilates machines in developed countries, are expected to fuel the growth of this segment in the coming years. Research Analysis The Pilates Equipment Market has witnessed significant growth in recent years due to the increasing health awareness and the need for effective solutions to address various health issues such as diabetes, obesity, and lung problems. Pilates, with its low-impact and full-body workouts, has gained popularity as a preferred choice for those seeking to improve their overall health and fitness. Pilates equipment includes various types of machines and accessories such as mats, resistance bands, Pilates balls, rings, towers, Cadillacs, Reformers, Chairs, Barrels, and Arcs. These tools help individuals perform exercises that enhance physical activity, self-care, and promote better sleep. Pilates is also beneficial for individuals dealing with sexual preference issues, alcohol, and drug addiction recovery, as it helps improve mental and emotional well-being. Pilates equipment is used not only in gyms and professional Pilates studios but also in the comfort of one's own home. The Pilates method, with its focus on proper alignment, breathing, and controlled movements, offers a holistic approach to health and wellness. Market Overview The Pilates Equipment Market is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing health awareness and the need for effective solutions to address various health issues such as diabetes, obesity, lung problems, and musculoskeletal disorders. Pilates equipment, including machines like Cadillacs, Reformers, Chairs, Barrels, Arcs, and mats, balls, rings, and towers, are popular choices for those seeking to improve their physical health and overall well-being. These devices offer numerous health advantages, making them an essential addition to fitness regimens, rehabilitation facilities, and professional Pilates studios. The market caters to diverse populations, including those with chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, respiratory issues, and cancer, as well as exercise enthusiasts looking to enhance their fitness routine. Pilates equipment is also gaining popularity in virtual fitness and at-home workout options, making it accessible to a wider audience. Smart features, novel materials, and eco-friendly collections are some of the trends shaping the Pilates Equipment Market. Moreover, Pilates equipment is not only beneficial for individuals with specific health concerns but also for those seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is an effective tool for weight loss, improving flexibility, and promoting self-care. Additionally, Pilates is a low-impact form of physical exercise, making it suitable for individuals with sexual preference preferences or those recovering from injuries. The Pilates method, which controlled movements, proper alignment, and focus on the core, is gaining popularity as an alternative to traditional forms of exercise like running and swimming. Pilates equipment offers a more personalized and interactive experience, with smart features like AI-driven training applications and interactive mirrors, providing a more engaging workout experience. In conclusion, the Pilates Equipment Market is poised for continued growth as more individuals seek effective solutions to improve their health and well-being. With a focus on smart features, novel materials, and eco-friendly collections, Pilates equipment is an excellent investment for those looking to enhance their fitness routine and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Start exploring market insights by Download a FREE Sample Report in minutes! Key Topics Covered: 1 Executive Summary 2 Market Landscape 3 Market Sizing 4 Historic Market Size 5 Five Forces Analysis 6 Market Segmentation 7 Customer Landscape 8 Geographic Landscape 9 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends 10 Venodr Landscape 11 Vendor Analysis 12 Appendix About Technavio Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions. With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios. Contacts Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email: Website: View original content to download multimedia: SOURCE Technavio